Saturday, 1 September 2012

Hi September!!

It's a new month already and I'm so exited to meet my baby brother who is due in the 18th!!
This month I want to...
Make my room look more pretty
Get a job
Start cooking some new recipes
Keep up with all my essays and tests
Research a little more into my family history
Make a pair of shorts out of some old Jeans
Stay out of the heat!

What do you plan to do this September?
Izzy xox


  1. Sounds like a good list! I want to write lots of blog posts, get good grades and learn some new piano songs. :)

  2. A baby brother, how exciting! I'm also planning to find a job! It's my no. 1 priority, but I'm leaving plenty of time for posting my crochet on Etsy!

  3. September is spring for us in Australia, so im anticipating looks of picnics and some outdoor photography! :D

    congrats on the baby brother! cutie!

  4. That is an awesome list :) I plan on sending more mail, making a mini zine, improving my blog....oh! and taking lots more photographs! :D

  5. Cute kitty. :) I plan to wear sweaters even though it's still hot, and enjoy college.


Thanks for writing a comment! It's favourite part when I get notes back from my readers <3