Monday, 28 May 2012

Little Monday Project...

Seeing as it's Monday, I've decided to share some of my favourite things I've found last week...

Song of the Week
I'm adoring this song!!! It is so sweet and Missy had the perfect voice for it :)

Picture of the Week
This gorgeous pic was taken by my amazing photographer Aunty! Isn't it the cutest...

TV show of the Week

Maybe I am crazy, but for some reason I love this show! I think I've watched nearly 1 and a half seasons on netflix over the past two days. This is almost as worse as the time that I stayed in bed for a whole day finished of a friends season or two on my laptop. Ahhh!! But honestly this is a great show and the whole concept is so creative :)

Hope you enjoyed taking a peek at my week...
Izzy xox


  1. Thanks for sharing! Your photographer did an awesome job with that shot, love it. And that show 'Drop Dead Diva' looks neat - I haven't heard of it before! Will look into checking it out :)

  2. Love the picture :) The shadows make it look awesome!!



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